U subotu 20.7.2019. godine, s početkom u 20 sati, u galeriji Pet kula je svečano otvorena izložba fotografija “Photo Exhibition on Korean Traditional Hanji Paper – Art of the handmade Mulberry tree ancient paper” renomiranog korejskog fotografa Hwang Yong Woona, koji svoje fotografije jedini u Koreji, samim time i u svijetu, tiska na drevnom korejskom Hanji papiru, koji se izrađuje od stabla murve (duda).
Hanji, korejski tradicionalni, ručno rađeni papir koristi se kao najbolji papir u Louvreu, Vatikanskom muzeju i UNESCO-u. Koristi se kako bi se sačuvalo svjetsko povijesno i kulturno nasljeđe putem stvaranja različitih otisaka drevnih dokumenata i umjetničkih djela. Hanji posjeduje jedinstvenu osobinu odlične održivosti. Načinjen je od izuzetno čvrstih vlakana, koja u tijeku proizvodnje prolaze kroz proces koji ih dodatno pojačava što na kraju rezultira kvalitetom izuzetne čvrstoće i trajnosti. Dokazana je trajnost Hanji papira čak i od tisuću godina, što dokazuje da se radi o najizuzetnijem papiru na svijetu.
Naravno, prijenos fotografija na Hanji papir nikako nije bio lagan proces. Za tradicionalni Hanji papir karakteristična su nježna vlakna koja kao da čine da se tinta razlijeva, a to je bilo potpuno nespojivo sa vrijednošću i jasnoćom za koje se pretpostavlja da fotografije trebaju imati. Želja i dugogodišnja upornost g. Hwanga da ostvari svoj san i da svoje fotografije tiska na hanji papiru rezultirala je u razvijanju jedinstvene tehnike za koju posjeduje i posebno registriran patent u Japanu i Koreji. Ključ je u temperaturi i točnom vremenu sušenja tinte.
Na ovoj izložbi u Motovunu, koja ostaje otvorena do 3. kolovoza, moći ćete doživjeti preobražaj fotografija u umjetnost na Hanji papiru. G. Hwang želi da u tijeku svog posjeta izložbi doživite kroz dodir i emocije ljepotu prirode, života i ljudi koja odiše sa Hanjija najviše kvalitete. Nada se da će u Hrvatskoj provesti više vremena kako bi kroz njenu ljepotu i sam doživio slično iskustvo.
Prisutne je na početku svečanosti otvorenja pozdravio David Matković, predsjednik Udruge fotografa Fotovun, koja je organizirala izložbu u suradnji s Turističkom zajednicom Općine Motovun i Općinom Motovun. Izrazio je ponos i zahvalnost na prilici da u Motovunu ugoste vrhunsku fotografsku izložbu tiskanu na drevnom korejskom Hanji papiru. Posebno se zahvalio g. Hwangu, njegovoj asistentici gđi. Sukkyong Shin i gđi. Soonyoung Redden, s kojom je koordinirao sve aktivnosti u realizaciji izložbe. Istaknuo je kako je riječ o iznimno dragim ljudima s kojima je istinski užitak surađivati i izrazio nadu kako će u budućnosti biti još puno međusobnih suradnji.
Svečanosti otvorenja je prisustvovao i korejski veleposlanik u RH, Nj. E. Dong Chan Kim, u pratnji svoje obitelji. Veleposlanik Kim je na svečanosti otvorenja izložbe izrazio zadovoljstvo izložbom korejskog fotografa u Motovunu i očaranost ljepotama Istre. Potvrdio je kako ovakvi oblici suradnje dodatno osnažuju odnose između dvije prijateljske zemlje.
Drage goste Motovuna i sve prisutne pozdravio je g. Tomislav Pahović, načelnik Općine Motovun, koji je svima zaželio iskrenu dobrodošlicu i izrazio zadovoljstvom izložbom renomiranog korejskog fotografa te istaknuo kako Motovun posjećuje veliki broj posjetitelja iz Azije, a posebno se ističu dragi gosti iz Južne Koreje.
Emotivan govor g. Hwanga sa svečanosti otvorenja prenosimo u cijelosti (na engleskom jeziku):
Ladies and gentlemen, Thank you so much for inviting me, a humble artist from the Far East, a city called Jeonju in South Korea, to your beautiful country, Croatia.
I know many people worked diligently together to make this event successful.
First, I would like to show my sincerest gratitude to those who work tirelessly to promote Korean culture here in : your Excellency, Korean Ambassador Dong-Chan, Kim, your Excellency, Croatian Ambassador to Korea, Dr. Damir Kušen and also Mr. Tomislav Pahovic, the mayor of city of Motovun, and of course Mr. David Matkovic president of Motovun PhotoClub. I know there are others behind the scenes who are also contributing immensely for this special event tonight. I thank you all very much.
I proudly would like to share with you something very special today, Hanji, Korean traditional handmade paper. Hanji has been introduced as the best papers and now, at the Louvre Museum, the Vatican and UNESCO, Hanji has been used to preserve the historic cultural heritage of the world through the creation of various reprintings of ancient records and cultural artifacts.
Hanji is very unique because of its excellent preservation. Due to the precise fabrication and further enhancing techniques starting from the remarkably strong fibers, a thousand year lasting strength and durability has been proved as the most outstanding papers in the world.
For decades, as a pastor and as a photographer, I have been using my shutter eye of the camera to share my everyday religious confessions. I have been amazed by God’s creation in so many different ways and moved by the daily lives of those around me.
And one day, I found that the warmth and softness of my photos is best conveyed through the naturally designed texture of Hanji. I also realized that Hanji would be able to transform my photos into the art you see here preciously and beautifully.
Of course, it was not an easy process. The traditional Hanji is characterized by very fine fir looking fibers which make the ink bleed. It was incompatible with my photos’ preciousness and the clarity.
One day, I prayed desperately, and I heard the answer “Stop before it bleeds!” I experimented to achieve “Stop before it bleeds”. My numerous failures tested my patience for four years and finally I figured out the technique! Heat treatment! I received the patent in techniques from Korean and Japan. The new technology opened up the potential of new development in photo printing field. Printing on roguth surfaced papers and being able to make borderless printings with precise edges and vivid colors are made possible through my special techniques.
Through this exhibition, I wish you all to be able to touch and feel the Hanji and see the beauty of nature, and the life on faces breathing in Hanji with the highest quality. And I would like to spend more time in Croatia especially in Istria to achieve similar experiences through the beauty of Croatia.
I am so happy to be a crucial member of initiating cultural exchanges between Croatia and Korea and I am convinced that this will continue to bloom. I sincerely hope that my exhibition in Motovun, in Zminj, and in Zagreb would highlight the beauty of Korean culture through Hanji photographs and become the gateway to make these two countries even closer.
March 7th this year, I traveled to Croatia and toured throughout the country for fifteen days. The Croatian charm delighted me, and I was overwhelmed by the beauty of your country even after returning home to Korea.
His excellency Dr. Damir Kusen is a sincere and kind friend of mine. As you know, he came to Korea as the first Croatian ambassador to Korea and tried to be our friend and neighbor for the last nine months. Thanks to his advice and support, Now I want to be your friend and your neighbor living in Croatia! For the rest of my life, I hope many of you would like to call me your friend.
As a ordinary human being, I would share meals and cherish good memories with you in order to create special arts through our time together in Croatia. I would love to dedicate my life as a cultural bridge between Korea and Croatia.
Beyond the distance, beyond culture, I wish you could see what I saw at the place, at time when I pressed the shutter and these indirect experiences would become unforgettable memories for you.
I feel very grateful for all your support.
Thank you again for hosting this event and for coming today in person to celebrate my exhibition togehter. god bless you all.
2019.7.20 Hwang Yong-Woon, Hanji Photographer
Zahvaljujemo se g. Damiru Kušenu, hrvatskom veleposlaniku u Južnoj Koreji, koji je dao veliki doprinos u realizaciji ove izložbe. Autor izložbe i njegove suradnice su s posebnim poštovanjem i zahvalnošću govorili o g. Kušenu, u kojem vide svog istinskog prijatelja.
Veliko hvala i našim motovunskim vinarima iz vinarije Tomaz i vinarije Bertoša, koji su prezentirali vrhunska vina iz svog asortimana. Posjetitelji izložbe mogli su vrhunska vina sljubljivati s tradicionalnim istarskim slasticama – cukerančićima, kroštulama, fritulama i dr.
Osjetite djelić prekrasne i pozitivne atmosfere koja je vladala jučer u galeriji kroz fotografije našeg Borisa Barana: